Infra-Neutral MLOps Platform



Code Repository

Swayam AI integrates a private GitLab code repository for managing ML projects. This repository supports version control, collaboration, and code sharing among team members, ensuring that development efforts are streamlined and efficient. The code repository enables teams to store, manage, and version control their ML and LLM codebases. It supports collaboration and CI/CD pipelines for MLOps, ensuring seamless code integration and deployment across various cloud environments.


Notebook Development Environment

The platform offers a state-of-the-art notebook development environment powered by JupyterHub that allows data scientists and ML engineers to create, execute, and share their Jupyter notebooks. This environment supports various programming languages and is equipped with tools and libraries, making it a versatile workspace for ML/LLM projects. The notebook development environment provides a flexible and interactive interface for data scientists and ML engineers to develop, test, and visualize their ML models, offering a comprehensive toolset for iterative model development and experimentation.


Feature Store

Centralize, manage, and discover features for your machine learning models with our feature store. It facilitates the reuse of features across different models, ensures consistency, and reduces redundancy. The feature store is designed to handle large-scale data, making it easier to manage and serve features for training and inference in real-time. The feature store centralizes the management of ML features, facilitating the sharing and reuse of features across different models and projects. It ensures consistent feature definitions, reduces duplication, and accelerates the development of high-quality ML models by providing a single source of truth for feature data.


ML Experiment Tracking

Track and manage machine learning experiments effortlessly with MLFlow, the ML experiment tracking tool. MLFlow allows you to log experiments, compare models, and monitor progress across various metrics. This tool is instrumental in optimizing model performance and accelerating the development cycle. The robust experiment tracking system allows teams to log experiments, including parameters, metrics, and outputs, enabling efficient comparison and analysis of different models and approaches. This supports informed decision-making and continuous improvement of ML models.


Model Deployment API Playground

Deploy your machine learning models with ease using our model deployment API playground, powered by MLServer. This feature provides a user-friendly interface for deploying models as APIs, facilitating easy integration with applications and services. The platform offers streamlined model deployment capabilities, allowing for the easy transition from development to production. It includes an API playground where developers can interact with deployed models, test API calls, and evaluate responses, facilitating the integration of ML models into applications and services.




Open Source Freedom

Swayam AI is deeply committed to the open-source ecosystem, promoting a culture of sharing, innovation, and community-driven development. By adhering to open standards, it


Collaborative Environment

Designed with small to medium-sized teams of data scientists and ML engineers in mind, Swayam AI fosters an environment of collaboration and shared knowledge. The platform


End-to-End ML Lifecycle Management

Swayam AI addresses every phase of the ML lifecycle, from data preparation and model building to deployment and monitoring. This holistic approach empowers teams to manage their


What is Swayam AI MLOps?

Swayam AI MLOps is a cloud neutral, open source platform to address all stages of the machine learning lifecycle.

It offers a web based interface to various components such as code repository, interactive computing, feature store, ML experiment tracking, model serving, metrics and more.

Who does it benefit and how?

Designed with small to medium-sized teams of data scientists and ML engineers in mind, Swayam AI MLOps fosters an environment of collaboration and shared knowledge. The platform provides a suite of tools that allow team members to work together more efficiently, regardless of their location.

Swayam AI MLOps addresses every phase of the ML lifecycle, from data preparation and model building to deployment and monitoring. This holistic approach empowers teams to manage their projects through a single, unified platform, enhancing productivity and reducing the complexity typically associated with ML projects. With Swayam AI MLOps, data scientists can experiment with different models using a range of frameworks and libraries. ML engineers can use this platform to deploy models into production, and monitor performance to ensure optimal outcomes.

As a customer, how can I procure Swayam AI MLOps?

To know more about Swayam AI MLOps, you can email us at sales@minfytech.com with a brief description of your requirement. We'll respond to your query and set up a follow up session to demonstrate Swayam AI MLOps capabilities. Our experts will be available to address additional technical queries on the discussion.

If you're already a Minfy customer, please reach out to your designated Minfy contact.

What level of readiness and resources do I need within my organisation to start with Swayam AI MLOps?

There is no minimum required organisational readiness to get started with Swayam AI MLOps. Taking into account the size, skills and expertise of customer's existing AIML team, Minfy can tailor the offering and services for implementation of Swayam AI MLOps with specific business outcomes.

How can I deploy Swayam AI MLOps?

Swayam AI MLOps is distributed as a self-contained software package, along with instructions for installation and configuration. If you choose to deploy it yourself, simply follow the install guide. Minfy can help you with a one-time initial deployment at no cost.

If you need long term support for advanced deployment or customization, Minfy offers outcome driven consulting services as well.

Empower Your Organization with Swayam.AI's Intelligent Solutions
Transforming Business Dynamics with AI Cloud Practitioners.

Swayam.AI is your premier ally in enhancing business thinking and operational effectiveness through its suite of AI-powered solutions. With its advanced capabilities and lightning-fast data processing, Swayam.AI enables organizations to optimize operations and drive transformative growth.

Cutting-Edge AI Integration

Innovative AI Solutions

Lightning Fast Data Processing

Versatile Data Integration

Enabler of Data Driven Decisions
